League Standing Sheets
Standing sheets from our Leagues are updated weekly. Usually within 2-3 days after you bowl or sooner. You can see a ton of stats for each league and even the entire bowling center with combined stats for the ALL the leagues. See where you rank in our Bowling Center. They even archive past seasons so you can go back and refer to them years later.
You also compete with your weekly scores in weekly tournaments on their website virtualtournaments.com
Standing sheets are updated on League Secretary.com. You can create an account on LeagueSecretary.com and get emails when updated!
Standing sheets from our Leagues are updated weekly. Usually within 2-3 days after you bowl or sooner. You can see a ton of stats for each league and even the entire bowling center with combined stats for the ALL the leagues. See where you rank in our Bowling Center. They even archive past seasons so you can go back and refer to them years later.
You also compete with your weekly scores in weekly tournaments on their website virtualtournaments.com
Standing sheets are updated on League Secretary.com. You can create an account on LeagueSecretary.com and get emails when updated!